Sunday, December 22, 2024
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3 US designers sue Chinese fashion giant Shein over copying their creative work – IMDb

San Francisco, July 15 (Ians) Three US fashion designers — Krista Perry, Larissa Martinez and Jay Baron — have sued Chinese fast-fashion company Shein...

US to raise tariffs on Chinese EVs to 100% | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

The administration of US President Joe Biden says...

China gives table tennis legend Ma another shot at Olympic gold

Ma Long’s inclusion in China’s table tennis squad gives the 35-year-old a chance to win gold in his fourth consecutive Olympics.China’s Ma Long will...


Photo: RNZ 随着失业率上升,企业苦于经济下行,移民对于新西兰的就业市场前景越来越焦虑。 新西兰统计局数据显示,截至今年3月的第一季度,新西兰失业率升至4.3%,为2021年中期以来的最高水平。 与此同时,该季度的就业岗位减少了6000个--为近两年来首次下降。 与此同时,过去的12个月里,由于移民人数激增,新西兰的人口增加了13万多。 5月7日,Trade Me工作发布了第七份年度就业市场洞察报告发布,该报告显示:10个新西兰人中,就有8个对新工作机会持开放态度,相比前一年,正在积极寻找、申请新工作的人数从11%增加到了20%。 Trade Me Jobs销售总监Matt Tolich表示,劳动力市场正在重新平衡,并朝着有利于雇主的方向发展。 "这意味着求职者必须更加努力,才能在饱和的就业市场中脱颖而出,并且可能不再像以前一样拥有谈判权," 他表示。"在职位竞争更加激烈的情况下,不是所有的候选人都能够轻易地脱颖而出。" 随着就业市场竞争的加剧,移民担心在新西兰找到工作的难度越来越大。 移民职业支持基金(Migrant Careers Support Trust)创始人兼主席Garry Gupta表示,他和许多正在找工作的移民有交流,其中一些人持有移民剥削保护工作签证。 "许多人因为绝望或需要帮助来找我们,对于新移民来说,当下是寻找工作的最糟糕时期," Gupta表示。 "经济表现很不好,公共部门、私营部门都在裁员。就业的机会确实处于较低水平,新移民显然必须与经验丰富的新西兰人竞争,有经验的本地人总是被优先考虑。" 42岁的Wei Shang来自中国山东,如今在汉密尔顿居住。她从去年11月份开始寻找工作,但6个多月过去,她投出去的简历都"石沉大海",她感慨,在新西兰生活了近8年,这是她第一次遇到连续几个月都找不到工作的情况。 "汉密尔顿一个兼职的行政工作,竟然有上百位申请人一起竞争,以前类似的工作并不会有那么多申请人,我感到很震惊,今年找工作特别难。"她表示。 Shang2019年从Unitec的市场营销专业毕业,但她发现自己无法在汉密尔顿找到与专业对口的工作时,只能选择兼职做一些零售行业的工作以负担日常开销。 她表示,华裔在新西兰本地找工作面临着诸多挑战,语言障碍、缺乏本地工作经验等,都让华裔在新西兰就业市场的竞争中不具备优势。 "市场营销岗位,雇主还是青睐于用本地人,"Shang表示,她已经准备回学校继续读书,提升自己的专业技能与市场竞争力。 何美婧表示,新移民在新西兰找工作可能会遇到适用不良的困境。 Photo: Supplied 何美婧在奥克兰市议会下辖的Tātaki Auckland...

Philippine security adviser calls for Chinese diplomats to be expelled | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

The Philippines' National Security Council has urged the...

Chinese horoscopes: will May 2024 Earth Snake month be lucky for you?

Element of the month: Yin EarthEnergy of the Snake: healing, renewal, transformation, wisdomThe Snake corresponds to the hours: 9-11amThe fourth month of the Chinese...

China’s Xi receives ceremonial welcome in Hungary ahead of talks with Orban

Chinese President Xi Jinping received a ceremonial welcome in Hungary’s capital on Thursday ahead of a day of talks with Hungarian officials that are...

Bond losses extend to Asia, Chinese stocks gain – Mettis Global Link

May 09, 2024 (MLN): Asian bonds fell, echoing selling pressure in Treasuries in the prior session. Chinese shares rallied on the country’s upbeat trade data...

China’s President Xi charts ‘shared future’ with Serbia | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Serbian President Aleksandar...

US and Philippine forces sink ship during drills in disputed South China Sea

US and Philippine forces, backed by an Australian air force surveillance aircraft, unleashed a barrage of high-precision rockets, artillery fire and airstrikes on Wednesday...

Saudi AI Fund Would Divest From China if U.S. Asked

The head of Saudi Arabia’s new investment fund for semiconductor and artificial intelligence technology said the country would divest from China if it were...

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