Thursday, September 19, 2024


SpaceX Tie-up With US Spy Agency Poses Threat To Global Security, Says China

SpaceX spy satellite network deal is a major step toward ‘space militarization,’ and poses new threat to global security, says a report in the...

China’s Gen-Z Consumers Are Increasingly Investing In ‘Gold Beans’, What Are These?

<!-- -->These beans have particularly become very popular among China's Generation ZYoung Chinese people have recently developed an appetite for gold products and are...

China is churning out solar panels—and upsetting sand markets

Sand is everywhere. Yet only a certain sort can be used to make the ultra-clear glass required for smartphones and solar panels....

China Says US TikTok Vote Follows ‘Logic Of Bandit’

China has accused the US of unjustly behaving like a “bandit” for a bill that is likely to ban TikTok in the US. The bill...

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